OVNS Prime bir martalik vape uchun yaxshi narx $10.88 (5%, 16000 puf)

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$10.88 $13.88 Hozir xarid qilish
Savdo ballari0
$10.88 $13.88 Hozir xarid qilish

OVNS Prime bir martalik vape

The OVNS Prime bir martalik Vape features a 20ml pre-filled e-juice with 5% nicotine salt, accompanied by a built-in 700 mAh battery capable of delivering up to 16,000 puffs. Its advanced dual mesh coils enhance the heating area, providing a consistently even taste. The unit’s bottom includes an adjustable airflow function, ensuring you experience the purest and most impeccable flavor.

OVNS Prime Disposable


With two distinct working modes, you can enjoy varied vaping experiences. Turbo mode intensifies the heat of the coils, resulting in increased vaporization of e-liquid for a more pronounced throat hit and vapor. On the other hand, normal mode offers a cooler experience with reduced vapor production. Additionally, the device is equipped with a aqlli ekran, allowing easy monitoring of battery and e-juice status to prevent any concerns about burning.

OVNS Prime Disposable Flavors:

  • Chaqaloq ayiq
  • Moviy nordon malina
  • Salqin Yalpiz
  • Kivi ehtirosli mevali Guava
  • Nordon olma
  • Strawberry Banana
  • Strawberry muzqaymoq
  • Qulupnay shaftoli yalpizi
  • Qulupnay tarvuzli muz
  • Watermekon Bubblegum
  • Tarvuz muzi


  • 20 ml E-suyuqlik hajmi
  • 5% nikotin tuzi
  • Zaryadlanuvchi 700 mA / soat ichki batareya
  • NOR-Smooth 16000 Puffs/TUR-Powerful 8000 Puffs
  • Ikkitomonlama lasan
  • Type-C kabeli
  • Matnni ekran

Paket quyidagilarni o'z ichiga oladi:

  • 1x OVNS Prime Disposable Vape


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