Parij Sen-Jermen yetakchi vaping brendi Geekvape bilan hamkorlikni e'lon qildi


2023 yil yanvar oyida Parij Sen-Jermen dunyoga mashhur vape brendi bilan hamkorlik qilishini e'lon qildi. Geekvape, bu ikki tomon homiylik shartnomasini ikkinchi marta imzolaganini anglatadi.

As a leader in the vape industry, Geekvape is continuing to concentrate on and actively promote the spirit of sports while also offering healthier alternatives for people all over the world. Geekvape 2021-yilda Parij Sen-Jermenning rasmiy hamkoriga aylandi. Bu ittifoq keng xalqaro auditoriyani jalb etgan ajoyib tadbirlar orqali “Geek” ruhini kengaytirdi.

Geekvape Technology bosh direktori Allen Yang shunday dedi: “O‘tgan yili hamkorligimiz juda muvaffaqiyatli bo‘lganidan xursandman va yangi yilda Parij Sen-Jermen bilan sog‘lom sport ruhini davom ettirish sharafdir. ajoyib yangi va qiziqarli mavsum uchun mukammallik va nafislikka intilish.

“By forming alliances with one of the world’s most successful and greatest football club, Geekvape is expanding the scope of sports marketing and driving the vape industry towards new heights. Geekvape intends to capitalize on the enormous popularity of football as a sport in order to spread the love of sport and the concept of health to people throughout the globe”, added Allen Yang, the CEO of Geekvape Technology. World-class football players like Lionel Messi, Kylian Mbappé and Neymar Jr. play for Paris Saint-Germain, whose upbeat athletic attitude and desire to push oneself to the maximum are aligned with Geekvape’s ethos.

Kelajakda ikki tomon "Geek" kashfiyotining kuchini talqin qilish uchun birgalikda ishlashni davom ettiradi, butun dunyodagi muxlislar bilan mustahkam aloqa o'rnatish uchun birgalikda ishlaydi va shu bilan birga dunyoga muhim xabarni yuboradi. sport marketingi sohasida ko'proq imkoniyatlar mavjud.

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